
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

terça-feira, novembro 29, 2005

"What kind of 'witch' are you?"

Water Witch
You are a water witch. Beautiful and intuitive, you
draw your power from the water. You can be
tranquil and terrible at one and the same time
and might be described as "moody."
You appreciate literature and may be a
poet/writer. Graceful and powerful as the water
itself, the rest of us envy
your ability to
love and be loved by others

What kind of 'witch' are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Desculpa Marta por te ter "roubado" a ideia, mas como achei interessante não me contive!!! Hi! Hi! Hi!
E gostei do resultado, principalmente do que está a vermelho!
Jinhos grandes,


1 Comentários:

  • At 10:23 da manhã, Blogger Miúda said…

    Estás mesmo á vontadinha.
    Quando quizeres.
    Beijocas e ainda bem que tens essa feliz capacidade.


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